Sunday 26 September 2010

Spring Chickens

we the Spring Chickens of Tearmann Fold are rehearsing for a show at the Ulster Museum  on Fri 1st Oct , we are the main attraction in the second half.

The story :-
We will be old Air hostesses who couldn't care less. I play the 'nasty one' ,Patricia is in charge of the security ,but doesn't  know the first thing about it, while Maureen checks the tickets and has a chat for everyone.

Then I come round serving drinks but taste all the alcohol first and then hand them WATER,  Nora is selling duty free but keeps all the good stuff for herself and sell them daft things,  so we advise them if the plane crashes into the sea there is only one working exit and they would be as well be to BREAK the windows if the want to get out  . They were warned if they see a bright lights and pearly gates  DO NOT GO NEAR THEM . ANYWAY I THINK WE SHOULD ALL SAY GOODBYE NOW so all join in   1 2 3 GOODBYEEE GOODBYE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE