Sunday 26 September 2010

Spring Chickens

we the Spring Chickens of Tearmann Fold are rehearsing for a show at the Ulster Museum  on Fri 1st Oct , we are the main attraction in the second half.

The story :-
We will be old Air hostesses who couldn't care less. I play the 'nasty one' ,Patricia is in charge of the security ,but doesn't  know the first thing about it, while Maureen checks the tickets and has a chat for everyone.

Then I come round serving drinks but taste all the alcohol first and then hand them WATER,  Nora is selling duty free but keeps all the good stuff for herself and sell them daft things,  so we advise them if the plane crashes into the sea there is only one working exit and they would be as well be to BREAK the windows if the want to get out  . They were warned if they see a bright lights and pearly gates  DO NOT GO NEAR THEM . ANYWAY I THINK WE SHOULD ALL SAY GOODBYE NOW so all join in   1 2 3 GOODBYEEE GOODBYE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Sunday 9 May 2010

The Road to Morocco

I have done a bit of travelling in my later years,and here are some of my memories,

We were on a Mediterranean cruise and stopped at Morocco for the day. My friend Chrissie and I decided to take the tour bus to a souk. When we got there we saw a sign for a flush toilet and thought we should go as we had been warned about the facilities there. Outside there was a man in a long white robe with a toilet roll in his hand, he charged us one euro and gave us each a single sheet each. Thank God for tissues.

We went inside the souk and it was crowded, thousands of people , and of course we lost our friends. We did a bit of shopping and then thought we better go outside and look for the bus. Unfortunately we were lost and couldn't find the way out. Chrissie panicked, so I took charge and started asking people the way out . Most ignored me until this man in a white robe offered to show us the way. He took my hand, I took Chrissie's  hand and we walked in single file .Finally he pointed and said that's the door. I said " What a gentleman, thank you". he put his hand out and said " that is 10 euros". What for  ?, I asked him . For showing you out . No chance I thought opened my purse and gave him 10 pence and made a run for it.

We got outside to find our bus gone and when I spotted a taxi I asked the driver to take us to the ship for 10 euros , he nodded, so we got in . Another guy came over and said it would cost us 70 euros . I knew the ship was only 20 minutes away so of course I argued and refused to move. The driver eventually took us back to the ship . What a laugh . But I'm nobodies fool.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Home and away

I have just spent a fab week with my family, we saw a play in the Elmwood hall (the temporary home of the Lyric, Belfast) called The Miser it was so funny.

The following day we went shopping , and Kieran got completely rigged out. Now he is really suave , really looks the part.

Yesterday we took the kids out for lunch then to Jungle Jim's,the cinema to see Nanny McPhee and finally to the mall to spend their pocket money . Allison flew back to Wales this morning and Kieran took me shopping for a swivel chair so I can sit in comfort at my computer , It's fab thank you

Wednesday 28 April 2010

what, no teeff ?

last month in a moment of stupidity, I accidentally threw my dentures in the trash , wow what a calamity. So off I went to the dentist, and asked for new ones in a hurry (the gap in my face wasn't particularly appealing) and what happens ? The day when I was to be finally fitted with my new teeth, the Dentist told me he had lost them in the mail : an empty box arrived from the manufacturers. As a result we had to start from scratch . The technician, angel that he is, worked all through the night and Hooray, I can smile again and can reclaim my title of THE BEST LOOKING GIRL ON THE ROAD